Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ikusa Otome Suvia (ova)

The sum of zero plus zero is zero

Tres Cantos II, in the imperial grandeur that only confer Konecta know.

Belen ... alias "the slot" rare anomaly enterprise managed to stay on top of the achievement of targets without moving the little finger of right hand. The latest theories suggest that the ring is curved space-time in an unexpected synaptic shortcut with his appearance changed so that the During the konectahistoria no muss at all. His performance in the company started in ...
Konecta Galactic Encyclopedia.

While everyone is still sleeping, Arsenio rises. He is a man of valor, full of hope. Gets in the shower trying not to make too much noise not to wake their parents. "My father's snoring could be sawing logs," he thinks. As a man is extremely mean and convinced, breakfast crumbs cupcakes that were pledged on paper the previous day. "It's a shame to throw so much food, damn it, however much we have to argue with my mother."

Jorge Pocahontas and Fer have ranged from Ono campaign to Chile to train workers in the new call center that the company has opened there. "If I'm an idiot, I delivered the curriculum of pocahontas in HR." No likes to trample and strives in his work. Not sure what exactly, but she tries. "I have coffee, fill excel files, convey all the details screwed the workers ... I had to have gone. I deserve it. I have the best results. I have more coffee than anyone. " The ford fiesta

limping on the road to Colmenar, Tres Cantos way. He finishes one of the cigarette butts found in the ashtray and look straight ahead. When it is building just opened. Turn on the computer and work forward, forward all mail that arrived from the coordinators to different clients. "Ah ...", he sighs," I have earned a good breakfast. "

People start to arrive. The real work begins: sell. Arsenio is a complete incompetent, but he knows very well what they have to do to hide it. It takes advantage of others' work so that is able to assume the same as their own. While the slot machine smiles * (was Bethlehem Bethlehem Arturo Antonio ... ... what was his name?) Becomes the mental reminder to learn the name of his boss. "They should make a career to learn this kind of thing, you loose one in the business world and has to rely only ... "

- reports are sent ... what you wear? **
- Of course, Bethlehem.
- Well, I do not want errors in ... this.
- Do not be.
- Let's have coffee.

is the last time he returns to play a computer all day, except to look at the Ikea catalog looking for curtains to match the lace of her mother. All seem hideously expensive. This overview takes four hours, which remains so engrossed in front of the screen that everyone thinks that is absorbed in his work. After entangled in a fascinating game in flash where you have to put eggs in their nests ... and when you know it, nine in the evening. Upon exiting the building is at the door with the guard.

- A hard day, eh, boss?
- Can not get used to the idea. Ah, how fortunate you are to have no further responsibility to care for the door!
- You're right, boss, I can not even try.

Out in the street trying to remember, twelve hours later, where you parked the damn car.

* On the origin of the nickname are two different ways and fiercely opposed. The first argues that "slot" is for all you simply enter to remain motionless against a wall, the second, however, think that commitment is how you move the eyes as the wheels of the machine to see a fifty cents. Lately, however, is emerging which holds that conciliatory power is both, hard and win acolytes. In any case, the discussion continues fiercely open.
** The slot is openly known for its chronic failure. When asked whether things go well, simply ask each one if you did what had to do. You have no idea what those mundane things that their subordinates do, so merely uttering vague. Follow the same practice in meetings with company executives and meetings with clients, with a staggering fortune up today and against any sensible theory of logic, be it business, statements, predicates, sets or just walk home. Descartes headers would walk to the stove if lifting his head and gave him in a psychotic episode, to analyze your case.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Plaster Drapery Holdbacks

not always impossible to defend, Vinuesa

"We abide by the law," he says.

I saw in telekemados .

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Compare Jetta Sport Wagon And Audi A3

As if there were doubts that they leave, they go and nobody does anything ... Esklavos of Konecta

While both companies try to convince us that nothing is long out, more and more tracks marked with yellow vests tell us otherwise. It must believe that we are fools. A bunch of fools with no knowledge.

I do not care if the business moves to where it is cheaper, because I am of those who think the closest we renewed, and that we will never, is the total collapse. What bothers me is that I lied. Maybe it's unique. I understand the business tool, it's yours. But with so much phlegm ... so impassive ...

Do Electric Toothbrush Cause Receding Gums?

Several reasons lead me to do this, none of them confessed to his low-class.

Konecta now is in a heated moment. On the one hand future mergers with other group companies threaten the peace of all (of the TV, but also personnel structure, I'm afraid ...). Moreover, on 17 by-elections were held in BTO, in which two delegates were at stake. CCOO has won more than half of the votes, UGT has been to freeze the hot fires of hell and CGT has entered strongly in the upper room of puppeteers Reds (ok, joking aside, all they are our only shield against the dream team of slavery, known as HR). A delegate for CCOO, CGT and the other for a couple of sugus to the failure to UGTistas, who smile with their sweets and went shopping. "Feedback Not only does man live, fuck", they were muttering. They could not do otherwise.

Moreover, the issue of outsourcing will bring the head, with centers in Chile and who knows where, in addition to Morocco, Argentina, Bollullos not know why, Almendralejo and Avilés. And we Konecta workers, what will we do about it?

Well no idea, but at least I want to make somewhere written in the annals (sic) of history. So if anyone wants to know where it comes from the multinational that ate the world in the future may know something more than what is said in the company webecilla.

start my career (in a boat, my defeat) with a picture of the ants published on the website of CC.OO , we can find on Live at the reception building Av . In the Industry. It seems important to show the impression they want to give us time-consuming ants generate huge profits to the customer ... and Konecta. See it every day seems to get unbearable.

PS: Also, I can not deny it, telephone operator was one of the main reasons to start with this, the other was a website that was short-lived named like this, Esklavos of Konecta, which today it is nothing, also the name of one of the forums CC.OO Site (also seen that page). It's amazing the ease that has teleoperator when describing the abuses suffered by telemarketers every day. In the telemarketing agreement forgot to put a good collection of traffic lights and pedestrian crossings ... and would have been more than necessary. Any ideas for a fourth agreement?, as it takes, to put traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. Kill us, kill us atropellaos ...