Thursday, March 27, 2008

Make A Receiver In Wow


Fila 0 , nuestro programa de cine, presentado por Marco Antonio Borja, Miguel Angel López-Cozar y Miguel Angel Castro, celebra la emisión del programa nº 100 el próximo 19 de abril con las siguientes actividades:
12:00 horas - Emisión en directo del programa nº 100 desde el teatro de la Casa de la Cultura para que todos puedan asistir en directo y participar en el mismo.

17:30 horas - Proyección en el teatro de la Casa de la Cultura de la película " Moulin Rouge ", musical ganador de dos Oscar e interpretado por Nicole Kidman y Ewan McGregor.

20:00 horas - Proyección in the theater of the House of Culture of the movie "The Orphanage " with Belen Rueda and winner of 7 Goya Awards.

Moulin Rouge (2001)

The film is set in Paris in 1900, where modernity looking down the conventional rules in all areas (particularly in the arts). The film is the love theme and takes place in an environment that blends luxury and bohemian mode designs Toulouse-Lautrec , in fact, the artist appears as a minor character, one of the main character's bohemian friends .
is about a young writer Bohemian Christian who falls for a beautiful courtesan, the Moulin Rouge cabaret : Satine. One night, thanks to chance and a series of misunderstandings, the destination through it. He falls in love with her poetry, she enchants with light radiating from his eyes. But it all ends abruptly when she warns the confusion: he was not the Duke millionaire who was predisposed to be persuaded to finance a play. The young writer offers her true love, while the rich noble offers to fulfill their dreams of becoming a legitimate actress.

The Orphanage (2007)
Laura returns
with his family to the orphanage where he grew up as a child, with the intention of opening a home for disabled children. The new environment awakens the imagination of his son, who starts to get carried away by fantasy games ever more intense. These are upsetting Laura increasingly, to the point where come to think that something in the house that is threatening his family. She happens something extraordinary and, despite being a woman with very clear principles, his world is teetering questioning everything she believed ...
is the highest grossing English film of the year 2007 and the second highest grossing in history after of Other .


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